Saturday, October 18, 2008

So I'm a Soccer Mom, Now! (Lots of Pics!)

Donovan joined a Bitty Soccer league with the local YMCA. They gave him a jersey and a ball. He threw his ball into the air right before this shot.
His team's name is the Dinos.
He's learning a bunch of soccer skills. And life skills - like waiting his turn.
But of course, this is one of this favorite things:
The children had a few races to the goal while dribbling their balls. Donovan won the first one! I was so proud of him. Especially when I learned that he's the youngest on the team by almost a year.
Here's the beginnings of team spirit. He has so much fun with them! Of course, he's still gentle and loving with Lillian. They're like best friends already. But since she slept through his first soccer practice, she joined us outside for our fun little drills at home.

We started out on the sidewalk, using cups as cones and an empty box as the goal.
Lily enjoyed the sunshine and the sporting.
Donovan kept grabbing the ball with his hands, so I had him hold cups in each of his hands to remind him to keep his hands off the ball. It worked really well.
But playing on the sidewalk was a little tricky with a bit of a slope to the one side.
And sometimes he took not using his hands a little too seriously. lolSo we moved it into the grass - he does play in the grass, after all.
And of course he had to wear his jersey to practice!
He's an expert kicker!
But of course, the greatest benefit to the sport is how well it wears him out.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Nice Day for a Nature Walk

We went for a nature walk the other day at a local lake.

I had to strap Lily to me because I knew the stroller wouldn't do well on the trail.
Donovan took this picture.
Donovan found all sorts of cool stuff to explore and learn about.
He got to lead the way. (Of course, don't burst his bubble by pointing out that there really was only one way to go.)
Lily enjoyed the fresh air.
Donovan threw stones into the water.
We walked all the way to the end of the path, where we found this spider.
Donovan decided to go play in the grassy area, instead.
He pretended to make a campfire.
And then he pretended to roast marshmallows on the fire.
He had almost as much fun looking at the rocks in the parking lot.
Lily just watched while her brother played.
Donovan insisted he saw the #3 in the clouds.
Donovan got tired of me taking pictures and said he was done. He stomped off back to the truck.
When he got to the truck, I hadn't unlocked it yet because I was still taking pictures. lol
This is one of my favorites.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mischief and Creativity

Donovan and Lillian are starting to plot mischief together.
Donovan got the camera took 3 of these first 4 photos as the plot unfolded:

Lillian: Donovan, listen, I have an evil plan.

Donovan: I surrender to your great wisdom, oh Buddah Baby. What is your plan?
Lillian: Come look close in my eyes and I will tell you.

Donovan: Oh yes, I see. We must make pizza.

Donovan: I can not work with this woman photographing my secret process.

Lillian: Work faster big brother or I will sic the red doggy rattle on you.

Donovan: Here is the finished product. How is it?

Lillian: Quite tasty. Red doggy rattle is pleased.

In the meantime:
Mommy was knitting a cute little hat to send to a needy newborn.

What a profound blessing that our little co-conspirators have the comforts they do.
And what a joy it is to teach them to be comforts to one another.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lily's New Trick

The other day Lily was in tummy time and wouldn't stay on her tummy! She rolled over 4 times!

So mama went for the camera, but Lily didn't have it in her to do it again. So Donovan helped her.

Once we catch her newfound skill on film, we'll share it here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fairy House

Today Grandma Judy came over & babysat Donovan and Lillian while Mommy went to an interview.
Then when she got back, Donovan and Lillian and Mommy went on a nature walk together. They brought a bag to collect a bunch of great things like twigs & leaves.
Mommy taught Donovan why some leaves turn more red than others and Donovan found an earthworm and carried it around for half the walk, keeping an eye out for the worm's mommy & daddy.
Then when they got home, they started building a fairy house.
It turned out really nice -A perfect place for a little fairy to lay his or her head.